Thank you for visiting my website! Please feel free to take this button to remember me by:

You can also check out these websites:
Neocities Sites

Other Sites
Art on the Web
Art websites by Rafaël Rozendaal (Warning: some contain intense flashing lights)
Goth Stuff
Free Rice (Answer trivia questions to feed the hungry)
Christian Stuff
Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary, 1859 edition
Citizenship and Social Justice
Petitions to the Canadian government
Petitions to the UK government
Development and Peace (A Canadian organization that supports partner organizations, mainly in the Global South, from a Catholic Social Justice perspective)
Rehumanize International (A pro-life organization based around a consistent life ethic)
Euthanasia Prevention Coalition (Canada)
Euthanasia Prevention Coalition (USA)
Canadian Council of People with Disabilities (See also their reflections on Tracy Latimer's murder)
Not Dead Yet (A disability rights group that opposes assisted suicide in the USA)
Toujours Vivant (The Canadian equivalent of Not Dead Yet)
Other Cool Links
Ghost of the Doll (A toy collectors' website)
Mystical Unicorn (This was my favourite website when I was a kid!)
Sanrio Japan's special My Melody website (contains colouring and activity pages!)
Graphics Credits

The cursor and background for the main theme are both from the now-defunct tumblr blog Menheratic. If you happen to have the rest of the graphics set, please email me! I've been looking for it.